JobKeeper, home loan holidays and mortgage stress: What happens next?

If you are experiencing mortgage stress, now’s the time to get on the front foot with your lender. As your mortgage broker, we can help you prepare and plan for the unknown. It’s no surprise that the outbreak of COVID-19 has caused a huge increase in mortgage stress. According to the Australian Banking Association (ABA), […]

HomeBuilder, what you need to know

If you have been thinking about building a new home or carrying out an extension or renovation, now might be the time to meet with an AFG broker and work through your options. The Federal Government’s new $680 million HomeBuilder program announced on 4 June 2020 makes available $25,000 grants to help build or substantially […]

How we can help manage your mortgage in the crisis.

In this time of economic instability, we know that jobs and mortgages are of the highest concern to you, the Government and the lenders. With things changing on a daily basis, we’re perfectly positioned to help. As the response and effects of COVID-19 on our health and economy continue to develop, we’ve all been forced […]

Working out your tax claim, now you’re working from home.

You’ve turned your home into a home office during COVID-19. So, what can you claim on your tax return and how do you claim it? Fortunately, the ATO has now made it easier than ever. If you are one of the hundreds of thousands of Australians now working from home thanks to social distancing measures, […]

Here is how I can help right now

As we all adapt to the COVID-19 situation, I’m set up to help you now over the phone and with a range of online tools and calculators to support you through these difficult times. Here’s some questions I can help answer: Thinking about purchasing or refinancing? Can I save repayments by switching to another loan? […]

Helping clients through COVID-19

As the world grapples with the unfolding COVID-19 situation, I wanted to let you know we are committed to helping our clients through what will likely be difficult and challenging times ahead. To help you navigate the COVID-19 situation we have pulled together some useful links and information. If you run a business there are […]

Is this the year of the first home buyers?

Many first home buyers now have access to a new government scheme that could get them into their first homes years sooner. Housing affordability is a key challenge for many younger people who are struggling to get into the housing market. Despite historically high house prices levelling out and lower interest rates, flat income growth […]

Help after the fires

Bushfires have devastated communities across Australia, but help is flooding in from business, government and individuals. Big banks and small lenders have been quick to step up with a raft of measures to ease the pressure on affected customers, from waiving fees and deferring repayments to fast-tracking low-interest rebuilding loans. The company that my business […]

Stretch your bathroom budget without breaking it

If you’re looking to renovate or redecorate your bathroom there are lots of ways to get a great result without breaking the bank. Redoing your bathroom can be extremely costly but the good news is that it’s also one of the easiest places to make savings.

There’s a lot more than the big four

Why smaller lenders are making a big change in banking. The history of Australian banking has always been dominated by the big four – ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, NAB and Westpac.