Specialist Home Loans
As Medicos, Accountants or Lawyers, lenders recognise your high earning potential and the demand for your profession. We’ll help you capitalise on your investment in your career when it comes to raising finance to buy a home, car, invest in your own rooms or to expand your practice.

Loans & finance advice for specialist professionals
While lenders will compete harder for your business, not all professional finance offerings are created equal. There is often fine print which is important to take into account when evaluating your options.
Your finance process should start with a tailored strategy to ensure that you achieve your medium and long term goals with the right finance in place.
At Affinitas Finance, formulating the right strategy for you and securing you the best deal is our wheelhouse.

Medical Specialists
Preferential deals for doctors, vets, dentists and other medical specialists including nurses

Leverage your career as a legal professional when you're looking to buy or to refinance.

Leverage your professional accounting qualification into a great deal on your home loan.
Make your qualifications work for you when raising finance.
Lets us guide you through all the finance options and special deals that apply to your profession so you can make the most of great benefits like:
- No or low deposit options
- No Lender’s mortgage insurance
- Exclusive discounts
- More flexible credit policy
Finance your medical practice the smart way
Smart, strategic and simple – we’ll save you time and money when building a finance strategy that meets your needs.
Whether you’re looking to buy your own rooms, new equipment or a new vehicle, we’ll help you maximise the benefits of preferential lending for Medical Professionals.