Pitching in without falling out

Lenders are helping parents boost their children’s buying power without putting their house or relationships on the line. Despite a patchy customer service history, the Bank of Mum and Dad is soaring to new heights as the property market booms. And no wonder – conditions are perfect to drive inter-generational lending. Surging prices have made […]

On the up and up

13 tips to trading up in a hot property market. Climbing the property ladder can be a tricky manoeuvre in boom times but there are some simple steps to put you ahead of the pack. 1. Sell then buy, or buy then sell? It’s an age-old dilemma but you need to evaluate the market to […]

So hot right now

Despite dire predictions, the Australian property market is booming. How did it happen and where to from here. Feeling richer? The average Australian homeowner has an extra $60,000 equity in their pockets, thanks to a real estate boom no one saw coming. Between March 2020 and March 2021, the average value of an Australian home […]

Homework project

Hide in a cupboard, launch an escape pod or retreat to the garage – you may have more options than you think to create a peaceful home office. If we’ve learned anything in the past 12 months, it’s that study nooks no longer cut the mustard. They may be great for paying a few bills […]

Be mortgage-free by your 50s

Some tips and tricks to paying off your home loan sooner. Buying a home is likely the most significant financial transaction you’ll ever make. So it stands to reason that your home loan will be your largest ongoing financial obligation. Imagine what life would be like without that monthly or fortnightly strain on your income? […]

Open banking – what is it and how could it help you?

A new way to quickly and securely share your banking data could help you take more control of your finances. With all the news about Covid last year and its financial impact – interest rates, loan repayment pauses, financial relief packages, government building incentives and so on – you may have missed the news that […]

Why the Government wants to make it easier to get a home loan.

Mortgage approval rules are set to be relaxed to try to help the economy recover from COVID-19. But is this a good thing? To help counter the effects of COVID-19 on the economy, the Federal Government has announced plans to loosen the responsible lending laws governing the loan approval processes. The idea is to make […]

What does the recession mean for you?

Australia has gone into recession for the first time in 28 years. What effect could it have on you? Australia has had a very good run when it comes to continued economic growth. Twenty-eight years without a recession is a record achievement, with the previous one in 1991. So what is a recession, and what […]

Teaching your kids how to manage money.

Helping your kids get a handle on money can set them up with good habits that last forever. It’s no surprise to learn that the younger you start teaching kids about money – how it works and how to manage it – the better prepared they are for the rest of their lives. So what’s […]